Early Childhood Care and Development
Early childhood care and development focuses on supporting young children’s development. Early childhood encompasses the period of human development from prenatal through the transition from home or ECCD centre into the early primary grades (prenatal – 8 years of age).It includes health, nutrition, education, social science, economics, child protection and social welfare. The ECCD field strives to ensure young children’s overall well-being during the early years, providing also the foundation for the development of adults who are healthy, socially and environmentally responsible, intellectually competent, and economically productive.
Importance of ECCD
Children in the ECCD age group experience the most rapid period of growth and change during the human lifespan. Their maturing minds and bodies and nervous systems support increasing mobility, communication skills, intellectual capacities, socio emotional development, and cultural and personal identity. These changes result in rapid shifts in the kinds of supports young children require.
Research has highlighted the particular risks to young children from malnutrition, disease, poverty, neglect, social exclusion, violence, and lack of a socially stimulating environment. Research also indicates that well-designed promotion, prevention, and intervention strategies during early childhood have the potential to impact positively on young children’s well-being and future prospects. Therefore, ECCD seeks to ensure convergent and coordinated quality services – health, nutrition, sanitation, education, and protection – within a safe and enriched environment.
Within the early childhood continuum from conception to age 8, each of three main age periods requires different services based on the developmental requirements:
Age Group
Developmental Requirements
Prenatal through age 3
One consistent parent or caregiver; good health care; six months of exclusive breastfeeding; balanced nutrition including essential micronutrients; opportunities for playful exploration and interaction and a clean, safe environment
Crèches or Day Care centres
Parenting/caregiving programmes offered within maternal and child health, nutrition, and/or education initiatives
3-6 years
Opportunities for learning through play and exploration.
Quality pre-school and access to a variety of play, learning materials, and books.
Involvement of parents and primary caregivers to help children build the skills.
Quality schooling
Child friendly schools.
School Transition activities.
Plan India’s CSP III is committed to protection of children from abuse and exploitation as a country program as well as a cross cutting aspect in any program activity or collaboration. Plan India, through its policy and programs, aims to create 'child safe' environments, both internally and externally, where children are respected, protected, empowered and active in their own protection. It seeks to work with parents, children, community, government and Plan's staff so that they are skilled, confident, competent and well supported in meeting their protection responsibilities towards children. Plan also recognizes that critical building blocks in a child’s overall development are made during the early years. Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) is therefore one of the core program areas into which Plan makes major investments. Plan supports comprehensive interventions that holistically address the multifaceted needs of children aged 0-6 years and ensures that their basic rights are safeguarded.
Plan’s ECCD program aim at
Improve early childhood care and development of children between 0-6 years at home and in centres of Plan program areas by strengthening the capacities of the government and communities.
The proposed project aims at strengthening the Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) efforts of Plan in India and thereby contributes to the effective services and systems in the country at large.
- Enhanced awareness on care giving practices for children in 0-3 years for their holistic development.
- Enhanced ECE/ECD services and school readiness amongst children in 3-6 years
Key activities
- Caregiver Education that promotes the holistic development of young children through home-based initiatives through educating and supporting parents for positive childcare practices.
- Centre based interventions that promote the cognitive development of 3-6 years old children within the community setting and preparing them for school.
- Advocacy and Networking with like minded organisations and` government for scaling up the efforts.
- Media advocacy - sensitising media on issues of early childhood to build a constituency in favour of young children.
Key Stakeholders under the project
- Children under 6 years
- Parents
- Expecting mothers
- Nursing mothers
- Youth groups
- Community leaders
- Local govt